Course 3 Final Project – A Presentation with Soul

Course 3 gave me the opportunity to reflect on the importance of visual literacy. From infographics to digital stories and presentations, digital media makes visual literacy skills to be more and more in demand. For my final project, I decided to work on a presentation that I needed for my G6 English-Humanities class. The purpose [...]

Creative Commons – Here to Save you from a Copyright Impasse

Creative Commons – Here to Save you from a Copyright Impasse

Thirty-nine thousand years ago, humans were using images to record and communicate ideas, long before any form of writing was developed. In our digital era, this quintessential means of communication is more relevant than ever. With the amount of information available at a click's distance, images can help pique the audience's interest and steer them towards certain content, [...]

Copyright 101 for Education in the Digital Era

Copyright 101 for Education in the Digital Era

Books, peer-reviewed articles, magazines, interviews, and websites. That is the extent of the sources I had to learn to reference when I was in university. It was a straightforward process: either summarize, paraphrase or quote the source, put an in-text citation, and add a reference in the bibliography. That was it. Simple. Academic honesty and [...]