Coetail Final Project

Coetail Final Project

I can't believe that my Coetail journey is coming to an end, but I am excited to finish in such a high note introducing my final project with this post. The most important aim that I had for my final project, revamping my Creative Minds unit, was for students to have voice, choice and ownership [...]

Creative Minds – A unit built on global connections and student agency

Creative Minds – A unit built on global connections and student agency

At the end of last year, when I choose to revamp my Creative Minds G6 English-Humanities unit (read more about it here), I was excited at the prospect of making the unit more grounded and relatable to my students. At the same time, I wanted my students to choose their own paths of inquiry according to [...]

Course 4 Final Project – Overhauling an MYP Individuals and Societies Unit

Course 4 Final Project – Overhauling an MYP Individuals and Societies Unit

Well, that went by really fast. I can't believe that I am already planning the final project of my Coetail journey. Without further ado, here is the rationale for my project. Why do you think this unit is a good possibility for your Course 5 project? I chose the Creative Minds unit from my Grade 6 [...]

Taking Action for Learning: My Course 1 Final Project

Taking Action for Learning: My Course 1 Final Project

For my Course 1 final project, I chose to modify the first unit taught in G6 (MYP 1) for Spanish Language Acquisition Phase 1. Being the first unit, it not only introduces the students to Spanish as a language, but it also helps the students get acquainted with key aspects of the Hispanic culture. This [...]

Opening the Door: Connecting my Classroom to the World

Opening the Door: Connecting my Classroom to the World

Buzzing. That is how I can best describe how I felt after attending the Learning2Asia conference last November. My brain was doing overtime with all the ideas that sparked during and after the conference. (You can read how L2Asia led me to Coetail here). One of the many remarkable moments was listening to Julie Lindsey [...]

Making a Switch: Technology integration for profound change.

Making a Switch: Technology integration for profound change.

When I was about seven or eight, my father took me to his former school for a foundation anniversary celebration. I don't remember much about the event, but one memory is still very vivid in my mind. I remember entering what must have been a lecture hall that had been preserved from the time of [...]