Digital Stories for Conceptual Understanding

Digital Stories for Conceptual Understanding

I teach an integrated class of English Language Acquisition-Humanities in Grade 6. In our first unit, we use digital storytelling as a medium to assess the students' conceptual understanding in Humanities. In this unit, the students expand their understanding of how time, place and space (key concept) shape and give meaning to their identity (related [...]

Playing with Concepts

Playing with Concepts

Connections. It is all about connections. As we know, learning only happens when you can make connections between what you know already and new information. So, as I was planning how to launch a new Individuals and Societies unit, I was considering different ways for the students to play and engage with the concepts and [...]

Introducing the Statement of Inquiry

Introducing the Statement of Inquiry

Boom! That is how I like to start my units. It is usually all fun and games until I have to introduce the statement of inquiry. I have been exploring different strategies to do this in the hopes that the students will fully engage with it right from the start. For this unit, I printed [...]