Coetail Community Engagement – Expanding my PLN through Active Contribution and Participation

Coetail Community Engagement – Expanding my PLN through Active Contribution and Participation

As I approach the end of my Coetail journey and I reflect on how I have changed as an educator, I must acknowledge that not only the course itself has had an impact on me. With an approach to community learning, Coetail encouraged me to engage with my fellow cohort members through comments on each [...]

Opening the Door: Connecting my Classroom to the World

Opening the Door: Connecting my Classroom to the World

Buzzing. That is how I can best describe how I felt after attending the Learning2Asia conference last November. My brain was doing overtime with all the ideas that sparked during and after the conference. (You can read how L2Asia led me to Coetail here). One of the many remarkable moments was listening to Julie Lindsey [...]